Monday, August 27, 2007

Teenager Fitness

In the contemporary times, teenager fitness is something that has become a serious cause of concern for the society. Teenagers are not really living a healthy lifestyle. Earlier, people used to follow the idea of 'early to bed and early to rise.' But, now our youngsters neither go early to bed, nor do they wake up early in the morning.

In the name of adopting healthy eating habits, teens prefer eating fad foods that virtually have no nutritional value. They always get lured into trying unhealthy foodstuff, ignoring the fact that they are harmful for their body. Even in case of drinking, adolescents are trying liquor, instead of going in for healthy drinks. Infact, their eating and drinking habits are taking the shape of binge eating and drinking disorder. Read further to know as to how to lead teenager healthy lifestyle…

Here are some teen lifestyle tips:


>You should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are important sources of vitamins and minerals.

>Milk and other dairy products like meat, fish, eggs etc should be consumed only in moderate quantities.

>Fats should not be taken in large quantities, but then that does not mean, you don’t need to eat fats, but what is required is to restrict your consumption to smaller quantities.

>Sugary foodstuff like cakes, biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, and ice cream can become a cause of tooth decay; so restrict your consumption to smaller quantities.

>In a nutshell, your total food intake per day should be such that 50% of the calories should come from complex carbohydrates such as cereals, rice and bread. About one third contribution should come from milk and other dairy products and the rest from fats.


It is very essential for each one of us to do some sort of physical activity. Pursuing sports is not only a great hobby, but also a fabulous way to keep in shape. But teens tend to skip on this important aspect of their life, so as to hang out with friends. This is the point, from where youngsters deflect from their path of leading a healthy lifestyle.


Having a sound sleep goes a long way in maintaining your overall fitness. In fact proper sleep is one of the main beauty secrets of celebrities. If you have a healthy sleep, it shows on your face in the form of glow. Lack of proper sleep is likely to cause irritability and the scope of mood swings increases.

Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas

In today's world, where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. Well, if you have a good figure, not only it enables you to flaunt your body, but also it helps in boosting your confidence level. For some people, obesity becomes a serious cause of concern, thus affecting their mental fitness.

There are several reasons why some people are overweight. It is interesting to know that your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. People with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight because owing to their slow metabolism, fat gets stored in their bodies. While, there are some persons, who suffer from the problem of hormonal imbalance. But one of the major causes of obesity in people is their unhealthy eating habits and inadequate exercising.

If you are sick and tired of your flabby abs, then here are some easy fast weight loss ideas:

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses of water is almost like a must. And do not forget to drink water in the morning, the moment you wake up. In fact this is one of the most rapid weight loss tips that the dieticians suggest to the people.

Have organic foods for the breakfast like apples, bananas, plain yogurt, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, wild smoked salmon, and so on.

Keeping a track on the watch, go for an hour walk. It need not be power walking, but definitely it should be non-stop walk and that’s for sure, in a couple of days only, you’ll start finding the difference in you.

Another tip regarding how to lose weight fast, easy and safe is that you should have your dinner about 4-5 hours before going off to sleep.

The two-point program that will ensure the ultimate success is: regular exercise and balanced diet.

Don’t depend upon fat burning diet supplements. They wont go a long way in helping you sustain your reduced kilos.

Soft drinks cannot benefit you in any way. They contain 150 empty calories, so if you substitute one bottle of soft drink with water each day, it will do wonders for you. It will enable you to lose about 16 lbs per year.

Sometimes boredom becomes a cause of overeating, so keep yourself busy.
If you want to seriously control your weight, then you have to stop yourself from getting lured into trying tempting foods.

As important is to pay attention to the fact that we eat the right food, equally vital is to keep a watch on the quantity. Without altering your diet plan, even if you’ll reduce 5-10% of your consumption, it will prove beneficial.

Eat slowly so that you can get a feeling that you have had enough food and your tummy is full. Eat slowly and fully relish the taste.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

How to lose weight after child birth